VisitScotland launches £8.5m post-Covid marketing campaign

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VisitScotland has unveiled a new multi-million-pound marketing campaign in an attempt to kick-start the country’s post-pandemic tourism recovery.  

Younger visitors in the 16-34 age bracket are set to be targeted as industry insight suggests that they will be the most likely group to travel post covid.  

The move follows figures released by VisitScotland show that the country welcomed 3.5 million visitors in 2019 and that tourists aged between 16 and 34 were worth around £1.5 billion to the Scottish economy.  

As a result, the governmental organisation has spent £8.5 million on the multimedia campaign, which will be rolled out to key markets in the United States, France, Germany and the UK.  

As part of the campaign, VisitScotland has announced brand partnerships with National Geographic, Expedia, Facebook and American TV channel NBC.  


“We understand the huge challenges the industry has faced, and continues to face, VisitScotland director of marketing and digital, Vicki Miller said.  

“VisitScotland wants to kickstart the meaningful, sustainable and responsible recovery of Scottish tourism and the return of international visitors marks a crucial stage of that journey.   

Miller added: “This next phase of Scotland is Calling will help build new, deeper connections with visitors in our key markets, inspiring them to plan a trip to Scotland in the future.    

“We are focusing on audiences we know want to travel again and using the channels we know they use to help show how Scotland can fulfil their emotional needs. 

The Scotland is Calling campaign is part of wider international demand building programme implemented by the government-funded Scottish Tourism Emergency Response Group (STERG), set up in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.  

Scottish Tourism Minister, Ian McKee concluded: “The Scottish Government is well aware of how heavily the tourism sector has been hit since the beginning of the pandemic and understands the role of the sector in our economic recovery. 

“The Scotland is Calling campaign will benefit every part of the tourism sector, in particular international inbound operators to rebuild after the challenges of Covid.”  

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