Government selects preferred candidate for Ofcom chair


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The UK government has chosen Michael Grade as the preferred candidate for the Ofcom chair, Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries has revealed.

Prior to possibly attaining a role as chair for the broadcasting regulator, Lord Grade will appear before MPs on the digital, culture, media and sport select committee for pre-appointment scrutiny.

From 2004 to 2006 Lord Grade was the chairman of BBC, before moving to become executive chairman of ITV until 2009. He was also the non-executive chairman of Pinewood and Shepperton Film Studios for 16 years and is now the non-executive chairman of Talent Bank and StoryFirst.

“Lord Grade is co-founder of the GradeLinnit company, a theatrical production company, having also been Chairman of Ocado, First Leisure Corporation, Camelot, the Charity Fundraising Regulator and Bradford’s Media Museum as well as being a member of the former Press Complaints Commission and a trustee of the Science Museum,” The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport said.

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As well as Lord Grade’s leadership roles in media, in 2011 he became the Conservative Peer of Yarmouth.

However, if he is appointed as Ofcom chair he will move to the crossbenches and would also be required to give up any non-executive titles that have a conflict of interest with Ofcom.

Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries said “Lord Grade’s experience at the highest level of a number of broadcasters and his expert knowledge of the British media landscape makes him an ideal candidate for this role.”

“Going forward, Ofcom has an even more important role to play as the UK’s communications regulator. The introduction of the Online Safety Bill will give it new responsibilities and resources to ensure digital platforms tackle illegal and abusive material online.”

Lord Grade concluded: “Ofcom is respected across the globe as a first-rate communications regulator so I am privileged to be asked to become its chair.”

“The role of Ofcom in British life has never been more important with new responsibilities on the horizon regulating online safety, on top of the ever-changing broadcasting landscape.”

“I look forward to my appearance in front of the DCMS Select Committee to outline what I can bring to this role and how I can help ensure Ofcom is fit for the future.”

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