Rapid delivery service Zapp launches marketing platform for supplier brands

AgenciesBrandsInnovation and TechNewsResearch and Data

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Rapid delivery service Zapp has today launched a “full service advertising platform” for its supplier brands, enabling them to gain access to a wider range of Zapp-owned touchpoints and external channels.

Zapp Media Services has been launched in partnership with retail media agency Threefold, and will offer brands campaign planning from development to execution.

Brands will also benefit from “industry-leading reach and consumer insights”, a detailed campaign data breakdown and “lightning fast” feedback.

Zapp Media Services is also set to run product trials for its clients, who will also be able to benefit from exclusive “Zapp first” product launches.

Only launched in late 2020, and growing from a single ‘Zappstore’ in West London, the rapid delivery has grown exponentially since, now running dozens of micro-fulfilment centres in London. The company has also gained a foothold on the continent, establishing a base of operations in Amsterdam.

The convenience app’s longer-term goals include building “an entirely new supply chain that can deliver thousands of different products to hundreds of millions of customers around the world,” in a faster and more sustainable manner than the current market leaders.

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“We’ve already seen significant appetite from our brand partners to innovate with Zapp to engage our growing customer base,” Zapp VP of procurement and partnerships, Alex Hough said.

“Brands want to deliver marketing campaigns with Zapp that leverage our unique offering of 24/7 delivery, our premium product range and our increasingly loyal customer base.

“By partnering with Threefold, we’re now able to offer brands the ability to deliver high-performing connected co-marketing campaigns that tap into specific shopper missions and reach new audiences more directly and faster than ever before.”

Threefold managing director, Lee LeFeuvre added: “Zapp has a truly unique proposition in the fast-growing Q-commerce sector that is highly attractive to brands.”

“With its fast-paced growth, unique customer offering and strong brand equity, we’re thrilled to be partnering with Zapp to open up its marketing platform to supplier brands.”

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AgenciesBrandsInnovation and TechNewsResearch and Data

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