British Gas charity aims to ‘Stop the Silence’ over energy debt with poignant new film

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The British Gas Energy Trust has released a powerful short film which aims to encourage those struggling with the current energy crisis to seek help instead of suffering in silence.

Created by the energy provider’s in-house brand agency Nucleus, the campaign will focus on raising awareness about the millions of families struggling with energy debt and how they can access counselling services offered by charities such as the British Gas Energy Trust.

British rapper Professor Green voices the spot, which will be rolled out across cinema, radio and digital media. Green himself has previously opened up about his family struggles with energy prices when growing up.


Alongside the film’s release, the British Gas Energy Trust released stark figures illustrating the scale of the crisis, with an estimated four in 10 UK households struggling to pay their monthly energy bill.

Just 61% of people are aware that organisations like the British Gas Energy Trust exist to offer advice and solutions to those battling energy debt.

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“As more people face the struggles of fuel poverty for the first time, it is essential for us to not only fund the amazing work of the British Gas Energy Trust, but also bring it to the attention of a wider audience who may not know support is available,” said British Gas Energy customer experience and marketing director, Americo Lenza.

“Too often we’ve found that people who are struggling don’t know the resources out there, which is why this poignant film and the other elements of the campaign are so important to raise awareness.”

Nucleus chief creative officer, Micky Tudor added: “It was important to us that the film portrays the situation many people are currently going through, without ratifying the stereotypes attached with financial hardship.

“First by acknowledging the sacrifices and isolation individuals facing fuel poverty can experience, and second by showcasing that the first step to help is to talk about it.”

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