tesco better baskets

Tesco ‘Better Baskets’ campaign encourages consumers to avoid HFSS foods

BrandsCreative and CampaignsNews

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Tesco has unveiled its new ‘Better Baskets’ campaign, encouraging consumers to buy healthier food by signposting them to “healthy zones” in-store.

The campaign will roll out until the end of May, receiving a fully integrated major print and out-of-home (OOH) advertising push.

Following Tesco’s findings that 86% of its customers wanted to eat more healthily and 77% wanted the supermarket to help them do so, the “Better Baskets” initiative was set up with the intention of pointing shoppers to healthy products, as well as foods that employ reusable packaging.

Plant-based options, foods high in fibre, low and no alcohol drinks and snacks under 100 calories will be included in the promotion.

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The supermarket chain has also promised customers that products highlighted as part of the “Better Baskets” promotion will be for sale at Clubcard Prices, low everyday prices or included in its Aldi Price Match.

Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver, who has called on Boris Johnson to scrap the delay on banning HFSS ads, has reportedly supported the initiative by creating a series of new vegetable recipes for the campaign.

“We understand customers want to make better choices but not pay more for it. Our Better Baskets campaign means there is no compromise. Right now, every little helps,” Tesco chief customer officer Alessandra Bellini said.

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