ASA ad complaints

A record 22,000 ads received complaints last year

Creative and CampaignsNewsResearch and Data

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The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) received a record 43,325 complaints about 22,115 ads in 2021, a recent annual report revealed.

As a result the advertising watchdog amended or removed a total of 20,456 ads.

Online advertisements was the most complained about advertising media making up almost half of all the complaints (20,735) and up to two-thirds (14,558) of the total number of complained about cases. This figure has risen by 19% since 2020.

TV was the second most complained about marketing medium, also making up almost half of all complaints (20,425) but only 1/5 of cases (4,802).

Complaints about influencer posts (4,889) increased by 20% and made up a quarter of all cases (3,648), seeing a 9% increase in complaints since 2020.

Additionally, video on demand online ads saw a 138% increase since 2020, while paid-for ads on websites, social media and apps increased by 39%. Audio podcast advertisements also received a 54% rise in complaints.

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On the other hand, game and own-site website, social media or app ads, saw decreases across the board, with gaming marketing material receiving 38% less complaints.

The Committee of Advertising Practice (CAP) delivered 866,145 pieces of advice and training to businesses on the advertising rules.

As for complaints by nation, the ASA revealed that ‘proportionately’, people in Scotland are more inclined to lodge a complaint about an ad, whether on the grounds of ‘misleadingness, harm or offence’, than people in any of the other nations.

People hailing from Northern Ireland and Wales are reportedly less likely to complain about the nature of advertising materials.

“Technology is transforming all our lives and as our Annual Report shows it’s also transforming how the ASA regulates misleading, harmful or irresponsible ads,” ASA chief executive Guy Parker said.

“As our world leading use of artificial intelligence to help tackle misleading influencer ads demonstrates, we’re harnessing and increasing our use of artificial intelligence and machine learning to deliver tech-assisted and proactive regulation.”

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