Organic hired to streamline youth charity’s digital marketing operations


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Digital marketing agency Organic has today unveiled a new, pro-bono partnership with youth charity Key4Life.

Key4Life is a not-for-profit organisation focused on reducing youth re-offending by implementing a radical new programme for those currently in prison and those at risk of being incarcerated.

After an immersion session with the charity’s key stakeholders, Organic was able to streamlined core target areas, including brand, digital and organisational infrastructure. These will be paramount in developing Key4Life’s digital marketing activity for the next 12-18 months.

As a results, Organic will be overseeing the charity’s ‘digital roadmap’ and creating a strategy that will enable Key4Life to focus more on corporate sponsorship and an additional programme roll out.

The agency’s long term plans for the charity include an ongoing, structured digital transformation of the business in addition to an extensive audit of Key4Life’s social and digital channels.

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“At Organic we believe digital can make life better for all of us, Organic brand experience director, Ed Nicholson said.

“Partnering with Key4Life gives us the opportunity to really help the brand as what they do is so important. Currently they’ve helped 251 people and those who’ve taken part in the programme have a re-offending rate of only 16%.

“We will be providing the charity with a digital strategy and roadmap for the next 12 months, to help meet their ultimate goals of safer communities and social mobility.”

Key4Life founder and CEO, Eva Hamilton added: “As a result of a conversation on a train with an employee from Organic, we have since developed a wonderful relationship with the agency and greatly look forward to working closely over the coming months.

“Having the support and expertise from a company like Organic, is vital for Key4Life to be able to continue to develop and grow as a charity.”

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