Pride LGBT+

Pride 2022: Three-quarters of consumers believe brands should support LGBT+ causes all year round

Creative and CampaignsNewsPeopleResearch and Data

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Pride month can be an ideal opportunity for brands to highlight their focus on diversity and inclusion – but it can also be a tricky balance to hit, with three-quarters of consumers (74%) saying brands should support LGBT+ causes all year round.

The latest data from marketing research company  GWI also revealed that just over one in every five (21%) consumers are more likely to buy from a brand which supports Pride month, while the vast majority (69%) say it makes no difference.

A number of latest insights, obtained through GWI’s Zeitgeist research of 2,012 UK consumers, revealed that consumer-facing brands need to offer more than one-off box ticking exercises and instead focus on more long-term meaningful initiatives and campaigns.

While many brands have launched inclusive initiatives and expressed commitments to the wider LGBTQ+ community, others have been accused of ‘rainbow-washing’, as they hide behind empty gestures and rainbow branding.

READ MORE: Pride Month: Why brands are embracing the stars of RuPaul’s Drag Race UK

Posting supportive messages on social media (24%) or changing packaging or logos to rainbow colours (23%) for Pride campaigns are a lower priority for consumers, who prefer to see meaningful action from brands.

Almost half (44%) UK consumers say they want to see brand campaigns that educate people on LGBT+ issues, cultures and misconceptions during the month of Pride. Some 39% would like to see more positive and accurate representation in the Pride campaigns themselves.

“With Pride Month gaining more traction each year, organisations must ensure this doesn’t become just another calendar hook or sales opportunity,” said GWI’s trends manager Katie Gilsenan.

“Pride Month should be seen as an opportunity for brands to showcase their initiatives and commitment to supporting the LGBT+ community.”

Gilsenan said companies should focus their efforts on “meaningful initiatives that could have a lasting impact”.

“For Pride campaigns, this might include educating people on the issues and misconceptions affecting the community or providing more positive or accurate representation of the LGBTQ+ community – both of which are in high demand from consumers,” she added.

“Honing in on what consumers value is really important to avoid campaigns or initiatives that might come off as shallow, or worse, tone deaf.”

Outside of Pride month, consumers most want to see brands provide inclusive year-round advertising (37%), improve LGBT+ employee support internally through an inclusive workplace culture (33%), and positively influence change for the LGBT+ community (33%).

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Creative and CampaignsNewsPeopleResearch and Data

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