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WPP wins ad industry’s most creative agency at Cannes Lions 2022

AgenciesNewsResearch and Data

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WPP was named the most creative company of the year at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity.

The award is given to the company that earns the most points across its agencies.

While Ogilvy won the Network of the Year, Wavemaker took home a Titanium Lion for ‘ Shah Rukh Khan My Ad’ for Cadbury, a ‘data-driven’ campaign that personalised ads for local businesses impacted by COVID-19.

According to the ‘big six’ agency, winners and shortlisted entries came from every part of the company. VMLY&R won a Grand Prix for its ‘I Will Always Be Me’ campaign for Dell and Intel, and ‘Speaking in Color’ for Sherwin Williams by Wunderman Thompson won the Grand Prix for Creative B2B.


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WPP also won the most awards in the Creative Business Transformation category.

“Creativity is the most important force in modern business,” WPP CEO Mark Read said.

“Being named the Creative Company of the Year is testament to WPP’s power to help our clients succeed, and to the incredible talent of our 109,000 people around the world. Thank you to them and to our clients who entrust us with their brands.”

The award follows the news that last week WPP partnered up with the Ukrainian government to attract investment into Ukraine to help rebuild the country’s economy.

WPP global chief creative officer Rob Reilly: “We have had to think differently for the last two years, and I feel this year’s Cannes Lions has been a celebration of innovation for our industry. So, I couldn’t be prouder to be part of this amazing global team of the most creative people in our industry.”

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