Tesco's latest advertisement for its Clubcard scheme has been slammed online with viewers branding the campaign as 'creepy' and 'horrifying'.

Tesco Clubcard advert branded ‘horrifying’ and ‘creepy’ online

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Tesco’s latest advertisement has been slammed online with viewers branding the campaign as ‘creepy’ and ‘horrifying’.

Promoting its Clubcard loyalty scheme, the supermarket’s ad sees a woman enjoy the benefits of saving money – maybe a little too much.

When the character realises the discounts she has bagged, a smile like that of a Snapchat filter appears across her face. Supposedly intended to emulate happiness, the superimposed face comes across as mildly terrifying.

Set to Snap’s ‘I’ve Got The Power’, the woman encounters people with the same face as she skips home. When she eventually sits down, even her dog bosses the same creepy smile.


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The film has been the topic of many conversations online, with Twitter users likening the ad to a horror film.

“Who is responsible for the abject horror of the Tesco Clubcard ad? Show yourself, you monster,” David M Barnett (@davidmbarnett) tweeted.

Another person (@jennimcm69) posted: “@Tesco what are you doing to the nation? The Tesco #clubcard ad on tv tonight gave me the fear! It has me terrified to shop @Tesco now.”

The ad was also called “stuff of nightmares” by user Amber Wilkinson (@NinjaWorrier).

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59 Comments. Leave new

  • who thought this was a good idea?

  • Bloody awful advert – I’ve never commented anywhere about an advert before but I like Tesco and this advert is absolutely so crass it’s untrue

  • The latest tesco advert is scary Mar 2023 It’s not funny but disturbing. Why have creepy faces?

  • This frightens me everything it is shown. Take it down please

  • Tina Coulson
    March 8, 2023 6:35 pm

    Can’t believe the Tesco advert, it’s really awful, horrifying and scared my Grandaughter, she’s 9.
    Why would anyone think this would make more people go to Tesco.

  • Absolutely scary advert, who on earth thought this was good advertising??

  • Paul Kilgallen
    March 8, 2023 7:20 pm

    Grotesque.absolutely grotesque. Puts me in mind of the similarly creepy E4 animation shown between programmes.

  • Strange and ridiculous

  • Chris Matheson
    March 8, 2023 7:44 pm

    Terrible advert! Makes me cringe every time it comes on! Sums up the Tesco brand!

  • Have you seen the new horror film SMILE ? Maybe this is where Tesco got the idea for this advert from ? Scary

  • Lesley Robinson
    March 8, 2023 8:46 pm

    It’s a horrible advert and I truly hope no small child sees it as it would give them bad dreams. Take it off Tesco

  • Oh Tesco! You’ve just spooked an entire nation and your next generation of customers.
    Huge advertising gaff.
    I can’t look at the tv when this advert comes on. It must freak children out.

  • This latest advert really is creepy and has put me off shopping in Tesco PLEASE take it down.

  • This advert is absolutely horrendous

  • Francesca Hopkins
    March 8, 2023 11:20 pm

    Who got paid to make an advert like this? Surely you have watched too many horror films! I thought I was watching smile. Do you actually discuss with your colleagues what you are making. I do t think it’s even funny tbh. Not impressed. Just have a look back at what you are making next time and I’m sure
    You too will think the same as us

  • Please scrap this creepy advert and bring back “she’s back”.

  • I get the impression someone has been spending too much time using image manipulation on their phone and thought ‘Hey, wait a minute this is really fun….’ It’s not. It’s creepy. Drop it fast.

  • Peter Dobbing
    March 9, 2023 6:17 pm

    It is truly creepy and Ill thought out. Certainly shouldn’t be shown before the 9 o’clock watershed. Better to non it completely: suspect has not helped their profits in any way

  • Just the worst thing I have ever seen, its so bad, people get paid to make excrement like this, its embarrassing.

  • Andy Canning
    March 9, 2023 10:10 pm

    Take it down, Tesco has failed to impress the general public, my first viewing of this advert was concerning for parents with young children.
    Why do graphic designers think they have the right to come up with such rubbish in an effort to different.

  • Juliet Barrett
    March 10, 2023 8:47 am

    I turn over when this advert comes on. Completely freaks me out.

  • This advert is disturbing and horrifying. As soon as it appears I switch off or look away. Whoever thought this was a good idea needs to think again

  • Keeping well clear of Tesco!

  • This is an awful add , I can’t watch it . I have to look away !

  • This is an awful add , I can’t watch it . I have to look away ! It’s creepy.

  • Barbara Seed
    March 11, 2023 5:26 pm

    Finding this new tesco advert for nectar card really scary and cannot bare to watch. Please stop using it, it is horrible

  • Jason Chapman
    March 11, 2023 6:40 pm

    My child had a nightmare from this advert. I know talking about an ad some marketing people say is a good thing regardless of whether its positive or negative. However this is truly shocking, and in no way encourages people to shop at Tescos, quite the reverse. Who on earth sanctioned this abomination.

  • Chris Warner
    March 11, 2023 8:44 pm

    Too creepy. How on earth did this get past the Board? It has put me off, not encouraged me to sign up

  • Truly disturbing advert, really is the stuff of nightmares

  • Duncan Hewitt
    March 12, 2023 11:37 pm

    Sometimes, Tesco, any publicity is *not* good publicity. This is a shockingly bad campaign; tasteless, crass and cheap.

  • Has given my grandson nightmares!

  • We are so horrified by this advert. It’s so scary, frightening and very disturbing. Please take it off now. Children see this! Why was this ever allowed to be broadcast in the first place. Yes it’s the stuff of nightmares. We are so shocked and angry.

  • Prefer her to tesco new advert with the person that does cinch adver

  • Bloody horrible advert, it is so silly and will frighten any small child. Please bring back the other lady, she’s back.

  • Is it meant to be Stacey Solomon?

  • I have to switch away from that creepy advert. I hate it

  • I LOVE this ad. Can’t stop watching it because it’s so weird. Gets my attention every time it comes on. It’s so bad it’s good. Well done Tesco. Better than all the other generic, forgettable borefests out there.

  • I thought it was a bit scary at first but I’m used to it now
    Might see if I can get a mask made lol 😂😂😅

  • I’ve seen creepier things in the UK and this is creepy but not terrifying, They tried something new might of not worked but they need to try new things. You could try not watching TV and get out more.

  • Matthew Mayes
    March 16, 2023 5:27 pm

    Ouch… the agency of a much loved UK brand famous for its iconic line ‘Every Little Helps’ somehow thought it would be good for Tesco to tap into a nasty face meme associated with many things I desperately try and keep away from my twin girls engaging with on social media. The agency in question? BBH. They created some of the best ad campaigns I can remember – such as Levis 501s launderette and many others. So what went wrong? I can only quote Marshall McLuhan “The medium is the message”, as being as relevant today as it ever was.

  • This creepy advert just goes to show how the Tesco marketing advertising team is completely out of touch with their customers. They must be a bunch of school kids.

  • Try enountering this commercial with slightly delirious feverish state, like the one I am in right now. It was an absolute trip.

  • Gillian Towers
    March 17, 2023 8:48 pm

    Horrible creepy advert. Tesco failed badly with this one. I’m a Tesco fan but this actually puts me off

  • Jane Holdaway
    March 17, 2023 10:27 pm

    Shocking advert-don’t need Rylance either. Makes me reconsider shopping at Tesco.

  • This character looks like she is high on some illegal drugs!
    It may seem amusing but it doesn’t really put the right message across.

  • The new ad is so creepy, I can’t bear to look at it when it comes on the tv. Whoever thought that was a good marketing idea?

  • Awful scary advert should be taken down ,Who is responsible and should be taken to task

  • A quick edit using a standard yellow happy emoji over the face would fix this.

  • What the hell are you thinking? How can anyone think this creepy piece of rubbish is going to increase sales. Sack whoever come up with this and sack who ever sanctioned it.

  • Surely, Tesco can put together a better advert, I can’t bear to look at this ad at all. It’s time Tesco take it off TV, it’s dreadful

  • Absolutely awful. Who ever accepted this at Tesco needs to find a new job.

  • LikeAStar1994
    May 4, 2023 9:55 pm

    Can the snowflakes not handle a bit of creepiness? You do know you can switch the channel over, right?

    The UK is absolutely pathetic.

  • Anne walker
    May 10, 2023 8:30 pm

    The two new Tesco advertisements are terrible. Whoever made them must be crazy. I used to work at Tesco’s but these advertisements are just terrible.

  • She is the most ugliest women I’ve seen looks like a girl called Debbie merrick

  • i frickin hate this man, just seen it 9 months lateer , so scary my child died from shock was quite funny however sum laugh laugh Tesco well done


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