Toilet roll brand, Serious Tissues, has unveiled a special edition bathroom book in a bid to highlight the brand’s commitment to caring for the planet.

Reading on the toilet: Serious Tissues and VMLY&R unveil special edition loo-side literature

BrandsCreative and CampaignsNews

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Carbon-neutral toilet roll brand, Serious Tissues, has unveiled a special edition bathroom book in a bid to highlight the brand’s commitment to caring for the planet.

Developed by creative agency VMLY&R, ‘Kamasutree’ uses comedic illustrations and witty copy to celebrate tree lovers from across the world.

The tongue-in-cheek book, featuring work from London-based illustrator Serge Seidlitz, includes 24 different ways to ‘love trees’.

Toilet roll brand, Serious Tissues, has unveiled a special edition bathroom book in a bid to highlight the brand’s commitment to caring for the planet.

With a special edition recycled print run of 69 copies, Kamasutree will be promoted by influencers and made available for Serious Tissues customers to win through their Instagram page. The book will also be available to view digitally on Serious Tissues’ website as an e-book.

“We’ve loved working with Serious Tissues to bring this book out into the world,” VMLY&R creative Harriet Wiltshire said. “Kamasutree has injected a lot of fun into promoting a more sustainable way of living, even behind closed (bathroom) doors. And Serge’s illustrations have worked perfectly in bringing it to life.”

Toilet roll brand, Serious Tissues, has unveiled a special edition bathroom book in a bid to highlight the brand’s commitment to caring for the planet.

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According to the brand, each day one million trees are cut down around the world for toilet paper1, ‘all at a time when we need trees more than ever to help address climate change’.

Serious Tissues founder Chris Baker added: “We don’t believe any trees should be cut down for toilet roll. In fact, we do the opposite and plant trees with every sale. We’ve planted 1.7 million so far with a current rate of over 25k trees a week – the equivalent of six Hyde Parks planted every single week. We want this seriously silly book to encourage others to love trees as much as we do, and have a little fun along the way.”

Toilet roll brand, Serious Tissues, has unveiled a special edition bathroom book in a bid to highlight the brand’s commitment to caring for the planet.

BrandsCreative and CampaignsNews

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