
Tearfund turns charity ads on their head with latest film

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Christian charity Tearfund has this week launched a new campaign that aims to tackle poverty through sustainable development, responding to disasters, and challenging injustice.

Developed in partnership with creative agency Don’t Panic, the campaign is led by a 60-second spot highlighting the impact that donations to Tearfund have had on small communities in Africa.

Involving real residents of a village in Burundi, the film flips the traditional tropes of past charity ads – by breaking the fourth wall and talking directly to the audience.

“Tearfund has a unique approach to how we operate – we work through the church wherever possible, which means In countries like Burundi, where the Church is at the heart of the community, therefore so are we. This connection enables Tearfund to reach the most vulnerable people in areas that NGOs often can’t reach,” Tearfund global fundraising director, Jane Peace said.

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“This allows us to truly understand the needs of a community and how best to support them as they work their way out of poverty. Don’t Panic’s approach felt so right for us; because like Tearfund, it’s doing things differently, giving dignity and agency to the community.”

With media booked and planned by The Kite Factory, the spot premiered yesterday (29 March) and will run across a range of broadcast channels.

Don’t Panic creative partner, Rick Dodds added: “The shoot was half production, half life experience. It was an incredible opportunity to be invited into the home of the Burundi communities and help tell their story.

“It’s mind blowing to see what they are achieving. Witnessing the genuine impact Tearfund is having on the ground is extraordinary. It was so important to shoot this in a real community with real people – to truly showcase the positive change that’s happening there.”

AgenciesCreative and CampaignsNewsVideo

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