wild africa

Wild Africa shines a spotlight on the dangers of poaching with poignant new films

AgenciesBrandsCreative and CampaignsNews

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Conservation NGO Wild Africa has launched a poignant new campaign to highlight the very real danger that poaching continues to pose for endangered species.

Developed with creative agency Grey London, the campaign will be led by a series of films that uses the fragility of balloon animals to shine a spotlight on the threats to remaining elephant, lion, turtle, and pangolin populations – all of which are at risk of extinction from intensive hunting.

The campaign premiered across Africa last week via broadcast, print and social media to coincide with World Endangered Species Day.

Each spot will be launched accordingly to coincide with other significant dates throughout the year such as World Turtle Day on 23 May, World Zoonoses Day on 8 July, World Lion Day on 10 August and World Elephant Day on 12 August.

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“We will do whatever it takes to support this vital campaign and the battle against species loss to save some of the most endangered species on the planet,” Grey London executive creative director, Ben Clapp said.

“We wanted a campaign idea that was simple but with a huge emotional impact so people would wake up to the threat of wildlife extinction.

He continued: “The balloons are a metaphor for the ease with which child-like innocence can be shattered, allowing a distressing reality to be brought to global attention.”

Founded by Peter Knights OBE, Wild Africa harnesses powerful network of well-known ambassadors, broadcasters, in-country partners and social media to create Africa’s largest-ever awareness programmes to truly connect with locals and work for meaningful change.

Knights added: “Grey London have produced an inspired campaign to launch our new brand and convey the impact of the illegal wildlife trade”

AgenciesBrandsCreative and CampaignsNews

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