
Latest YouGov poll reveals most and least trustworthy news sources according to UK public

AgenciesBrandsNewsResearch and Data

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YouGov’s latest poll has found that Britons believe the BBC to be the most trustworthy media outlet, with two in five (44%) considering it to be “very trustworthy” or “trustworthy”.

The iconic firm did not however register the highest ‘net’ trust score – this honour going to the Financial Times with a score of +30 (40% trustworthy, 10% untrustworthy), as opposed to the BBC’s +23.

All major broadcasters ranked highly in the overall standings, with Channel 4, ITV and Sky all registering positive net trust scores.

The Guardian came in as the strongest non-business newspaper with 33% deeming it trustworthy (+15 net), with the Independent scoring highest on net trust at +16.

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Notably – Britons expressed a strong distrust of tabloid papers with all outlets registering negative net trust scores, The Sun in particular was deemed particularly untrustworthy, with 59% finding it so.

The survey also indicated a strong correlation between someone’s political allegiances and their trust of particular media outlets, with The Guardian seeing the biggest discrepancy between Conservative and Labour voters – registering a net trust score of -6 with the former and +41 with the latter.

Further notable discrepancies were noticed in the net trust scores for the Daily Mail and right-wing news channel GB News, with both outlets registering 46 net points higher with Conservative voters than Labour.

AgenciesBrandsNewsResearch and Data

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