BrewDog has committed to protecting the planet through a creative pledging sustainability to ensure there will be ‘Beer For Your Grandchildren’, depicted here

BrewDog promises there will be ‘Beer For Your Grandchildren’ in environmental push

BrandsCreative and CampaignsNews

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BrewDog has promised to protect the planet with a creative campaign pledging to embrace sustainability in order to ensure there will be ‘Beer For Your Grandchildren’.

The campaign, which will be showcased across out-of-home (OOH), shows planet Earth on fire and features a call to action for everyone to make choices that protect the planet for the next generation.

“AtBrewDog,our mission has always been to make other people as passionate about great craft beer as we are. But that only works if we still have a planet to drink it on,”said BrewDog founder and CEO James Watt.

“That’s why we’ve also been just as doggedly committed to doing our bit to leave the planet in a better place than we found it.” 

BrewDog has announced its commitment to protect the planet through a creative campaign pledging to promote sustainability to ensure there will be ‘Beer For Your Grandchildren’, depicted here.

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“The inescapable, uncomfortable, and unrelenting reality is that our planet is getting hotter, and it’s humanity’s fault. Now is the time to act…  We hope in 50 years we’ll still be around brewing beer for your grandchildren, as they deserve to enjoy this planet and, of course, great beer too,” he added.

The campaign follows the beer brand‘s recent work with sustainability expert Professor Mike Berners-Lee as its lead independent scientific advisor, and comes as the latest in a long line of BrewDog’s initiatives aimed at protecting the planet.

In 2020, BrewDog became the world’s first international beer business to become certified carbon negative, and in the same year bought a 9,308-acre plot of land in the Scottish Highlands to carry out one of the largest UK reforestation and peatland projects.

Other notable sustainability projects the brand has embarked on include offering 50% plant-based options on their menu and sending zero waste to landfills.

The successful campaigns follow in the wake of the brand’s other social initiatives, including a recent partnership with LGBTQ+ charity, Mind Out, for limited edition Pride lager.

BrandsCreative and CampaignsNews

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