The AA has ramped up its viral campaign, partnering with Street Fighter to reinforce how the brand gives customer's unshakeable confidence, depicted here.

Street Fighter: It’s ok, Ken and Ryu are with the AA

BrandsCreative and CampaignsNews

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The AA has ramped up its viral campaign by partnering with classic Japanese video game franchise Street Fighter to show how the auto company provides its customers with unshakeable confidence for the second in the ‘it’s ok’ series.

The latest phase of the ‘It’s OK, I’m with the AA’ campaign sees the breakdown service team up with the iconic beat ’em up video game for a creative billboard and 34-second animated film.

Produced by The Gate, both creatives feature the AA’s brand distinctive font and block yellow colour, while the film depicts 80s-style pixilated Street Fighter characters Ken and Ryu destroying a car before the video pans to the owner with the concluding message; ‘It’s OK, I’m with the AA’.

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Showcased across key out-of-home (OOH) city sites – such as Manchester, Liverpool, London, Reading, and Nottingham – and amplified through social channels, the campaign marks a dramatic shift for the AA, moving towards a master brand-led platform across key media channels.

The campaign hopes to tap into Street Fighter’s popularity, as one of the highest-grossing video game franchises –  with the latest game in the series, Street Fighter 6, selling 2 million copies since its release this June.

“We wanted our campaign to extend in a way that would really resonate with people, so partnering with Street Fighter allowed us to take our campaign to the next level and show AA members they can be confident no matter what happens,” said The Gate chief creative officer, Lucas Peon.

The latest campaign follows the success of the brand’s recent humorous creative which depicted scenes such as enormous vortexes, meteorites and fleeing bank robbers.

BrandsCreative and CampaignsNews

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