Xbox is celebrating being the new Official Console Partner of the BWT Alpine Formula 1 racing team with a global social media campaign, here depicting the F1 car with smoke pouring off it

Xbox revs up as official partner of BWT Alpine Formula 1

BrandsCreative and CampaignsNews

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Xbox is celebrating being the new Official Console Partner of the BWT Alpine Formula 1 racing team with a global social media campaign.Xbox is celebrating being the new Official Console Partner of the BWT Alpine Formula 1 racing team with a global social media campaign, here depicting the F1 logo, with green smoke pouring off it

Showcased across YouTube and all of the video gaming brand‘s social media channels, the film was created by Common People Films and directed by Ben Newbury, in collaboration with Miai Brand Partnerships.

Shot on a motion control rig using an Alexa LF camera, the film depicts an Xbox Series X powering a wind tunnel facility, which in turn triggers a road the Alpine F1 car is sat on.

Green smoke engulfs the car, simulating an aerodynamic test, before the camera moves to the back of the car to reveal an Xbox Nexus, created by the smoke floating in mid air.

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“It was an absolute pleasure to work with the team at Common People Films, on the creation of the video to announce Xbox as The Official Console Partner for the BWT Alpine F1 Team,” said Miai Brand Partnerships CEO, Claudine Harris.

“What could be more fun than working for Xbox and Alpine F1?” added Common People Films director, Ben Newbury.

“Throw a motion control shoot and CG smoke into the mix and it got nerdy – but it was epic! Since the re-introduction of ground effect and the engine freeze in 2022, the most important element of a Formula 1 car today is its aerodynamics.

“So the idea was, the car’s aerodynamics are carving the rushing green smoke into the green Xbox Nexus. Intrinsically binding the two brands together. Whilst showing off the power of the Series X and the Alpine F1 car.

“I’m really proud of the spot and all of the incredible people that worked on it,” he concluded.

Other notable Formula 1 partnerships this year include Bang & Olufsen partnering with Ferrari F1 team for the 2023 season, and Aston Martin Formula One team collaborating with international agency Havas to reveal a new identity ahead of the 2023 season.

Xbox is celebrating being the new Official Console Partner of the BWT Alpine Formula 1 racing team with a global social media campaign, here depicting a close up of the Alpine car

BrandsCreative and CampaignsNews

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