NSPCC has unveiled a new campaign to raise awareness of the postnatal mental issues that can arise after the life-changing event of giving birth - the image depicting a close up to a mother's face as she stares into the camera, with bags under her eyes and looking visually tired and sad

NSPCC sheds light on postnatal loneliness with EastEnders star

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NSPCC has unveiled a new campaign to raise awareness of the postnatal mental issues that can arise after the life-changing event of giving birth.

Using a documentary approach, the UK children’s charity teamed up with creative agency CALLING and NewLand director, Libby Burke, to gather testimony from new mothers.

Showcased across NSPCC’s owned and earned media channels, ‘Reconnecting’ uncovers the nuances of mother’s real-life experiences and features Eastenders’ actor, Louisa Claire Lytton.

The 90-second clip sheds light not only on the difficulties and isolation of new motherhood but also on the transformative effect of support from families, friends and communities.

The film sees a new mother struggling at home, isolated, while a voice-over reads: “being a new mum can be so lonely. Nobody phones you any more to talk to you. Everyone just messages.”

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The spot then shows the new mother going to the supermarket with her newborn, simply to just be around other people again, but is still feeling isolated.

It is only when a fellow shopper reaches out and asks the mother if she’s okay, we see a smile and the voice-over states: “In that moment of actual interaction, comes something so joyful and amazing. It reminds you the world is incredibly kind and not everyone is being horrible to you.”

The advert concludes with a call to action encouraging people needing help to reach out to the charity, with the message “However you’re feeling the NSPCC is here to help.”

NSPCC’s campaign follows a demand for perinatal mental health services rising by 40% between August 2022 and March 2023, with over 30,000 women currently on waiting lists for mental health support.

NSPCC has unveiled a new campaign to raise awareness of the postnatal mental issues that can arise after the life-changing event of giving birth, the image depicts a mother with a newbrn strapped to her chest in a supermarket - looking blankly at the products in front of her. Slightly unfocused is a fellow shopper.

“With so many people in our community being touched by the issue of postpartum depression it was an honour to create this portrayal of how it affects us,” said CALLING founder and executive director, Josh Tenser.

“Talking about these issues in a truthful, unblinking way that connects is how we can all move forward”.

NSPCC creative director, Lorrin Braddick, added: “We’re really proud to partner with Calling and Newland on this moving film which raises awareness of such an important issue.”

“We know that around one in five mums, and one in ten dads experience perinatal mental health difficulties, which can make the day-to-day challenges of parenting feel even harder”.

New-land director, Libby Burke Wilde, added: “Being a new mum myself, NSPCC’s project really resonated with me. I am so proud of the film we made, it is the result of multiple conversations with multiple new mothers.

“It was amazing to work with Louisa, she brought such authenticity to the role. We hope the film encourages people who are struggling to feel less alone and to reach out to the people that can help,” Wilde added.

The advert follows in the wake of an earlier campaign from the charity, in which it tapped into social trends to reach teens struggling with loneliness.

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