Paddy Power Games is reimagining a "Life with more chances" in its latest ad, giving viewers a glimpse of a reality with alternative scenarios, here depicting Peter Crouch in a blonde wig and in a bar setting

Paddy Power reimagines Peter Crouch unmarried in ‘what if’ scenario

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Paddy Power Games is reimagining a “Life with more chances” in its latest ad, giving viewers a glimpse of a reality with alternative scenarios.Paddy Power Games is reimagining a "Life with more chances" in its latest ad, giving viewers a glimpse of a reality with alternative scenarios, depicting a woman screaming about the introduction of Milton Keyes

Developed by BBH and featuring, Paddy Power regulars Abbey Clancy, Peter Crouch, and Shaun Williamson, the tongue-in-cheek campaign revolves around the idea of ‘what if’.

Showcased across digital and social, the betting firm’s advert aims to engage and entertain gamers who enjoy online casino games, taking the viewer on a whimsical journey depicting unexpected turns during significant decisions in history.

The 90-second film begins with Clancy on the phone playing Paddy Power’s Wonder Wheel on her phone next to husband Crouch, before her mind begins to wander into the past

The spot reimagines scenarios, questioning what happens if VAR had never been introduced, Milton Keynes never founded, and the baby name ‘Karen’ never introduced.

The playful short ends with a final scenario, Williamson introducing Crouch to Clancy, who in this alternative world seems unimpressed, responding: “He’s a bit long isn’t he?! No thanks!”.

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The film concludes back at the same sofa, except Clancy is now with her new husband – Williamson.

The voice over states, “You’ll always get another chance with Paddy Power Games”, and is accompanied by an outro burst of ‘Dragostea Din Tei’ – more popularly known as ‘Numa Numa’ or ‘Maya Hi’.

“We’ve all wondered how our lives might be different if given a second chance. Like right now, I’d bet any money Crouchy wishes he didn’t agree to us giving him hair extensions that made him look a bit like Rodney from Only Fools and Horses,” said Paddy Power head of gaming marketing, James O’Reilly.

“But sadly, unlike Paddy Power Games, he won’t get another chance to change his mind.”

BBH associate creative directors, Luke & Lawrence, added: ”The moment Dom & Kier pitched ‘Imagine Life with More Chances’ we knew we had another Paddy Power classic on our hands.

“Let’s be honest there’s a part of us all that wishes we’d taken the chance to pull Barry from Eastenders in a sticky floored noughties nightclub.

“Or the chance to stop VAR before it gave Liverpool fans even more things to moan about. And that’s why if we had another chance, we’d have made this film again and again.”

Earlier this year, Paddy Power teamed up with the agency again to create a satirical campaign taking on so-called ‘oil money’ clubs.

Paddy Power Games is reimagining a "Life with more chances" in its latest ad, giving viewers a glimpse of a reality with alternative scenarios, depicting here someone destroying a VAR machine

AgenciesBrandsCreative and CampaignsNews

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