Following the King's Speech announcement that a key focus of parliamentary reforms is to drive growth across the UK economy, with the DPDI bill set to conclude its journey in the Commons this month,

DMA urges parliament to pass data protection bill without hesitation


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Following the King’s Speech announcement, which cited the government’s aim to drive growth across the UK, the DMA is calling for the government to pass the Data Protection and Digital Information Bill (DPDI) through without hesitation.

The DPDI is set to conclude its journey in the Commons this month.

“Data privacy reforms included within the DPDI bill are key to unlocking business growth and realising the full potential of the UK digital economy; by further enabling businesses to use cost insights to simultaneously improve the productivity of businesses and create relevance for customers,” said CEO Chris Combenale, responding to the King’s Speech.

“Reforms will create a better balance between innovation and privacy, maintaining the GDPR’s high levels of data protection while enabling scientific and technological innovation that will power the future economy. ”

“There is strong support for these opportunities across the UK’s SME community, as demonstrated by our latest research, so we would urge UK parliament to complete passage without hesitation”.

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The DPDI bill would see changes to the GDPR, Data Protection Action and Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations.

It features changes including making provisions for electronic signatures, electronic seals and other trust services, as well as making provision about access to customer and business data.

When it announced the bill, the government said that it could help businesses cut down on paperwork and reduce the amount of cookie pop-ups users are faced with for the purpose of data collection.


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