Co-op is joining Iceland in dropping expensive advertising and calling on shoppers to donate money towards community causes rather than gifting towards their families, with the supermarket pledging to match customer and member donations.

Co-op joins Iceland in ditching expensive Christmas ad as it asks shoppers to donate

Creative and CampaignsNews

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Convenience retailer Co-op is joining frozen food giant Iceland in dropping expensive Christmas advertising and is instead calling on shoppers to donate money towards local causes.

Spearheaded by creative agency Lucky Generals, the multi-channel campaign will launch on 22 November and run across OOH, print and digital, broadcast partnership, VOD, Co-op social and digital media.

Moving away from the trend to feature expensive celebrities and elaborate TV campaigns – we’re looking at you Asda (Michael Bublé) and Sainsbury’s (Rick Astley) – it marks a simpler approach from the retailer.

Billboards feature a QR code which customers can scan allowing them to donate towards causes including hot meals, or sports supplies for local community clubs – embodying the spirit of giving. The supermarket is also pledging to match all customer and member donations made throughout the festive period.

Co-op’s Christmas campaign follows Iceland’s announcement that it will not be running a Christmas advert at all this year, choosing instead to invest the money in lower prices to help struggling families – a move which the retailer described as a ‘no-brainer’.

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“Co-op is different, and we’re proud of this,” said chief membership officer Kenyatte Nelson, speaking about the retailer’s decision to embrace low-cost simplicity.

“Our members own our business and together we show every single day of the year how powerful cooperation can be as a force for good.”

“After the tough year consumers and communities have faced, I know our members will step up and donate their members wallets this Christmas, or donate in our stores along with our customers, knowing we will stand by them, and match their generosity,” he continued.

“Giving the gift of community spirit isn’t a trite marketing tag line, it’s a genuine desire by our members, customers and Co-op, to amass a Christmas funding boost to make a real difference to the communities we serve”.

Creative and CampaignsNews

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