Newsquest is set to give away £6 million-worth of free advertising across its extensive news portfolio in support of the NSPCC's 140th anniversary

Newsquest to give away £6m in free advertising to leading charity

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Regional media owner Newsquest is to give away £6 million-worth of free advertising across its extensive regional news portfolio in support of the NSPCC’s 140th anniversary.

Through the partnership, Newsquest will gift the charity with free advertising placements across its collection of more than 200 regional online and print titles.

Tying in to the NSPCC’s key areas of focus, the collaboration with the media group will promote local workshops and digital training sessions to help people notice the signs of abuse and neglect.

“The work of the NSPCC and in particular Childline is so important, and we want to do our bit to support this,” Newsquest chief executive, Henry Faure Walker said.

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“This will be the largest ever initiative Newsquest has run in support of a single charity, and we hope that it will make a real difference to the NSPCC in the amazing work that they do preventing abuse and helping rebuild children’s lives.”

Newsquest staff across the UK will also take part in volunteering and fundraising events throughout the year to mark the NSPCC’s anniversary, which has grown into the UK’s leading children’s charity since its foundation in 1884.

NSPCC chief executive Sir Peter Wanless added: “We are hugely grateful to Newsquest for this amazing opportunity to give readers greater insight into the work of our staff and volunteers, as well as how they can help protect children.

“In the coming months, articles will feature a range of ways to fundraise and donate, which will help us continue our vital services such as the NSPCC Helpline, Childline and our work in schools helping children understand healthy and safe relationships.”

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