The Cybersmile Foundation is comparing the online mob attacks that often accompany cyberbullying with the hysteric Salem Witch Trials.

Powerful cyberbullying ad compares online abuse to Salem Witch Trials

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Anti-cyberbullying charity The Cybersmile Foundation is comparing the online mob attacks that often accompany digital abuse with the hysteric Salem Witch Trials of the 1690s.

Created by independent agency Joan London, ‘Modern Witch Trials’ aims to call out cyberbullying and digital abuse by sparking conversations about finding less vitriolic ways of addressing problematic online behaviour.

Spearheaded by a 20-second hero film directed by Chromista’s Eliza McNitt, the creative revolves around the impactful strapline: “Mob justice isn’t new. It just got a tech upgrade”.

“The anonymity of our online lives and ease of response, combined with the desire to be seen as empathetic and socially conscious, has resulted in increasing mob behaviour online,” Joan London managing director Tom Ghiden said.

“People being targeted may have made poor decisions, or behaved problematically, but this creative is designed to make people question whether vicious retribution is warranted, or if there are more productive ways to drive evolution”.

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He continued: “At Joan London, we want to be a part of the solution. We love the work Cybersmile has done, and we are extremely proud to have worked with such a brilliant extended team to tackle this very complex and polarising issue, and bring this campaign to life.”

Drawing attention to the alarming rise in prominence of ‘cancel culture’, McNitt’s work highlights how strongly online harassment can affect anyone who uses social media – and how building a more compassionate digital community is vital to social cohesion.

Produced by Darren Aronofsky’s (director of ‘Black Swan’ and ‘The Whale’) Chromista, the film will be released across all Pearl & Dean cinemas in the run-up to Safer Internet Day (6 February), as well as on social media.

The Cybersmile Foundation founder, Scott Freeman added: “This campaign reflects Cybersmile’s founding principles and mission: that everyone should have an equal right to access and enjoy our connected world.

“We hope that this inspires viewers to think about their online behaviour and consider whether their posts and responses contribute to a safer and more positive internet experience.”

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