Following an overwhelmingly negative response, Pot Noodle has re-released an apologetically censored version of its viral slurping ad.

Pot Noodle censors viral ‘slurping’ ad to appease offended viewers

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In response to the overwhelmingly negative (if a tad overdramatic) reaction to its recent ‘Nothing Satisfies Like a Pot Noodle’ ad, the ready-to-eat snack brand has re-released a ‘censored’ version of the spot.

The creative had previously centred around the immensely satisfied ‘slurping’ noises emitted by a woman enjoying the quick snack in her office kitchen, much to her co-workers’ and it seems, the British public’s disgust.

The initial spot cause quite a stir on Marketing Beat’s own site, spawning a mass of vitriolic comments including: “Get this revolting advert off the TV. It’s almost – but not quite – as bad as the dismal garbage these idiots are promoting. Rubbish promoted by rubbish to be consumed by rubbish.”

Or even: “This is the most disgusting advert that has ever been on TV. It makes me feel physically sick, and if advertisers or the company think that this is going to improve their sales they must be deluded. I for one will never buy pot noodles again.”

Well it seems the prayers of many have finally been answered as Adam&EveDDB – the creative agency behind the viral ad – has now created a series of edits in which the ‘offensive’ slurping sound is now replaced variously with; a baby’s laughter, beatboxing, a cat meowing and over-enthusiastic South American football commentary.

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“Our original ‘Slurp’ campaign received a lot of noise across X. We always knew that the ad would be noticeable and potentially divisive,” Pot Noodle marketing manager, Lena Portchmouth said.

“We celebrate and love the slurp (let’s be honest, I’m pretty sure we all do it, even if behind closed doors!) however, we appreciate that for some if may be considered a bit “gross”, so to apologise to those who we offended we wanted to offer an olive branch in a Pot Noodle way by removing the offensive sounds.

“The next time people see and hear the ad in question, we hope they find the sounds more satisfying.”

The so-called ‘apology’ campaign will now run across across TV, online, social, radio, and press with over 50 different audio versions available to appease ‘slurpohobes’.

Adam&EveDDB creative director, Mark Shanley added: “We were just trying to celebrate the immense satisfaction people feel whilst eating a Pot Noodle. We didn’t want to upset anyone. So, we’re apologising. Hopefully in quite a satisfying way.”

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79 Comments. Leave new

  • Mr R Turner
    March 4, 2024 8:50 pm

    Disgusting advert and I am not the only person who hates it.

    • I hate it too! I have misophonia and I want to vomit when this advert comes on and now Macdonalds are doing it 😡

    • A short slurp would have been acceptable but in the advert it carried on for a long time and that’s why it was disgusting to listen to – I like pit noodles and would have been motivated by a decent advert but all it made me do was change channel very quickly and I felt sick

    • This advert should never be shown again ,not just edited, I will never eat a pot noodle again willingly. We all know what a junk tripe that it is same as mc Donald’s and persil. But the greedy horrible fat corporate cats force feed us this utter garbage on media

  • Amanda Collings
    March 6, 2024 1:52 pm

    those noises disturb my peace and can’t get to my mute button quick enough.I understand the thinking behind the creating but I hate it.Tve had it with thise sounds now and just I’d to see if anyone else disliked it as much as me.zGlad am nit the only one in camp.

    • Awwwww do you not like it.oh well.never get over it all you p.c police

      • Get a grip, it’s not woke to be disgusted by a noise. Thankfully, your demographic will fade away soon and we’ll all be free to speak our mind without being snarled at by a 60 something who hates change and wants everything to be miserable and hateful like it was when they were 30

        • Its WOKE alright. Get some help and dont be so ‘ageist’

        • Woke??? It’s called a reaction. You don’t choose to feel it, you just do. Why do people insult others for the way they feel?? Baffles me!! I hated the sound but I wasn’t offended, I just didn’t like it. It will neither make me want to or not want to buy pot noodles.

      • Learn how to write you illiterate cretin.

    • I’m exactly the same can’t press the mute button fast enough very ugly ad 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤣🤣🤣

    • Hated it!

    • I thought the advert was very funny, partially as a result of my wife’s reaction. Yes a bit gross, but I am going buy more pot noodles ;0)

  • They haven’t censored it. The Ad is still running as it was prior to the discontent. They’ve simply released a load of clips showing alternatives to it on their YouTube and kept the ad running.

  • Peter Davies
    March 11, 2024 9:55 pm

    I thought after so many complaints they had pulled this add, regretfully no it’s still with us. So for me it’s back to muting the sound this comes on. The people who thought up should feel ashamed of themselves.

  • The pot noodle ads have always been annoying, but this one is disgusting and off-putting. Just (IMHO) like the product itself. And now McDonalds is into slurping . Not as bad, but this whole campaign style encourages the “I can do what I like and don’t care about what you think” society.

  • So why is it still being shown with a shortened version of the slurping.
    After the article having a go a people complaining about it, which was very self serving.
    Whoever wrote the article must live in a world of their own if they think what was produced is acceptable, that’s without the safety aspect, its a shame the procedure wasn’t tested before hand and the women choked on the gloop.

  • This advert has not put me off the odd pot noodle but it is the worst advert I’ve had to suffer through.
    Yes, a lot of us may well slurp but this is just so over the top and gross. There must be lots of ways to sell a pot noodle but this isn’t one of them

  • This advert triggers me. I have sensory problems, and people eating grinds my gears. This advert is awful, and makes me feel like nails scratching a blackboard. It’s is disgusting but also ftighering

  • David Williams
    March 12, 2024 8:48 pm

    With the frequency with which this ad has been shown, imposing disgusting noises into the nation’s homes, there needs to be legislation protecting us from what we are forced to hear, as well as what we are forced to see. This ad was misconceived and I will it not to work.

  • The advert has not changed only shortened and slurping sound still there.

    Remove or edit this disgusting advert

    • It’s now been shortened and covered with alternative noises. I, also, felt grossed out by the long slurping sound. And I’m not anywhere near 60. My dad was very particular about table manners. However, they’ve captioned a type of apology and added random sound which I think is pretty cool.

  • “overwhelmingly negative (if a tad overdramatic) reaction” and “We always knew that the ad would be noticeable and potentially divisive,”

    Something isn’t divisive when it’s overwhelmingly negative.

  • The advert has not changed only shortened and slurping sound still there.

  • The advert has not changed only shortened and slurping sound still there.

    Why is my previous comment taking so long awaiting moderation?

  • The advert is disgusting. Makes me feel sick. In fact when it comes on I turn tele off

  • I knew this advert would get complaints but I think it’s great.but then again,I’ve got a sense of humour.

  • The slurping irritates every fiber of my being! I feel nothing but rage when I hear slurping, And what irritates me more is she’s sucking the noodles up! I’ve never seen any pot noodle being eaten like that! That also fills me with deep rage … eat the damn pot noodle properly with manners ! As if a real pot noodle can be eaten like that without it dripping all over your chin and top, and why does she stand up to eat the whole thing …. Silly advert, I can’t look at the green pot noodle now without feeling rage.

  • Silent majority
    March 23, 2024 8:02 pm

    Desperate marketing to get noticed at all costs. Childish content, that is not properly supervised means you will get childish results. Raising the issue of slurping is not over reacting, just sensible and not abusing airtime

  • Alan Hamshere
    March 25, 2024 9:38 am

    I think it is disgusting to have to listen to someone slurping a pot noodle. The person who came up with the advert should be sacked. There are far to many crap adverts on tv plus I see McDonald’s are coping it now. It won’t make e buy any of the rubbish they are advertising

  • Terry chatwin
    March 25, 2024 3:03 pm

    Bloody disgusting advert why would you think this would boost sales off your heads

  • It’s bad enough that enough people eat fast food with their fingers, and now drinking food. What happened to teaching our children table manners and using knife and fork.

  • Elizabeth Amini
    March 25, 2024 11:26 pm

    I hate that pot noodle advert it’s gross and disgusting it grates on my nerves and I’m usually a calm person 🤬

  • Unless you stuffer with misophonia you wouldn’t understand. Shocks me that people still eat these anyway 🤮

  • Disgusted

  • I experienced the same response as nails down a chalk board.
    I’m sure a lot of people including myself make a slurp noise occasionally. I believe it’s like a smelly fart – it’s different when it your own!😁

  • What sad twats having to moan about a bloody TV advert. Get a life

  • Richard Humphreys
    March 29, 2024 1:10 pm

    I cannot believe the fuss about this ad. I found it hilarious. In fact I’m disgusted that it’s been censored because of complaints by overly squeamish viewers.
    Get a grip! It was a joke. And a funny one.

  • Richard Humphreys
    March 29, 2024 1:12 pm

    I cannot believe the fuss about this ad. I found it hilarious. In fact I’m disgusted that it’s been censored because of complaints by overly squeamish viewers.
    Get a grip! It was a joke. And a very funny one.

    • “Overly squeamish” a lot of the complaints have come from autistic people or those with autistic children who have struggled with the noise. It’s unprovoked in their own home, if these noises happen outside they can prepare for them and most wear headphones, they shouldn’t have to in their own home just because creators don’t understand how sound and sound sensitivity works.

  • I hated it too. I compared it to a horror movie. The noise and the noodles hanging out of her mouth is awful. I never ate pot noodles and that never made me want to rush out and buy some! 🤢

  • Stuart Winstanley
    March 31, 2024 7:41 pm

    Everyone who’s complained needs to get a life. Slurping happens everyday up and down the country by different people. I for one thought the ad was funny and I applaud the company who made it. There’s nothing wrong with displaying what some people do.

    • Caal Gallagher
      April 2, 2024 10:47 am

      Autistic people in their own homes don’t want to hear this sound unprovoked, those noises outside they can prepare for, on their own tv in their own home is not. Just say you’re ableist and stfu

    • Picky!! Could be American

  • Richard Braithwaite
    March 31, 2024 8:19 pm

    Even after they have made this advert silent I still will not purchase product. Why after so many complaints they do not listen.
    Get rid of this horrible advert and replace with better. Obvious your sale figures show.

  • Some people are autistic and physically can’t cope with this sound, especially unprovoked in their own home. To then mock the “offended” is actually so gross, I was having my own autistic meltdown when this ad came on and quite literally sent me over the edge. To reduce the complaints to “offended people, here’s worse noises” is so childish and unfunny it’s insane.

  • Glad they’ve changed it, find it abhorrent,like others I too have misophonia & this ad made me feel physically sick

  • Hated it too. I use to mute it. Glad they changed it.

  • I suffer from mysophonia and this advert is insufferable. The fact they they are launching the ‘apology’ during the Brit Awards is testament to the fact that they and thier ad agency knew exactly what they were doing. Mysophonia has been getting a lot of coverage in recent years, and this campaign was designed to stir up controversy and to ‘promote’ the brand. This was done on purpose and the advertising standards authority should investigate and intervene to ensure that it doesn’t happen again. Since the Pot Noodle ad came out I have noticed a few other brands jumping on the same bandwagon!

  • Too late, has put me off pot noodles for life.

  • There’s been way worse ads than this, people really are too sensitive nowadays maybe all ads should cater for all phobias [then they’ll be no ads lol] 😅

  • This advertisement is/was truly disgusting so uncouth. Who on earth would eat like this? Never never have I seen anything like it. It shows bad eating habits. It should be totally banned. Slurping is awful and anyone who does has no manners whatsoever.

  • Can’t understand why the advertising people are saying our complaints were over dramatic? It was trying to normalise bad/disgusting eating habits.

  • I too scrambled for the mute button but mostly because I thought it sounded like the suction thingie at the dentist! Ugh!

  • Can’t believe they would rather hear a burp or a fart!

  • mrs froggatt
    April 24, 2024 9:23 pm

    The advert made me feel Physically sick and i dont like my husband eating a pot noodle in front of me because of the sound and the way she ate the pot noodle im glad they have changed the ad because every time it came on i turned the channel over

  • The advert made me change channel (and physically sick)! The new one is just as bad as the old one, bar the slurping! Why would anybody buy this product after watching this????

  • I found it the most the most incredibly ANNOYING advert ever! Like I nearly threw my phone at my tv annoying! That were it! Disgusting didn’t really cross my mind!

  • You seriously need to give your completely crap advert a rest
    Not only does this noise make me want to never buy another pot noodle again it makes me want to punch any moron who thinks this was a good idea for you to use what a complete waste of money what were you thinking

  • Althea Robinson
    May 9, 2024 2:57 pm

    My grandchildren love pot noodle for a great but sorry to say you are teaching them had manners as they try copying . No more pot noodle treats .

  • If I had behaved like that at the table my parents would have seriously punished me, to see an adult doing it in a public place is even more disgusting, such a vile sound and revolting sight, I have never eaten a pot noodle and can promise I never will


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