VCCP London's campaign for Cadbury ice cream, taps into a relatable family dynamic as it shows the frozen treats are ‘Guaranteed not to last'.

Relatable ad shows Cadbury ice cream is ‘guaranteed not to last’

AgenciesBrandsCreative and CampaignsNews

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Ice cream manufacturer Froneri has launched a new integrated campaign for Cadbury Ice Cream, tapping into a key family dynamic as it highlights that the frozen treats are ‘Guaranteed not to last’.

Created by Cadbury’s global agency of record VCCP London, it showcases FMCG giant Cadbury’s products via a common yet infuriating scenario: reaching for an ice cream only to discover the empty packet has been put back in the freezer.

Moving away from the ‘overly stylised worlds’ typically seen in this category, global content creation studio Girl&Bear collaborated with award-winning director Lucy Bridger on a bolder approach, casting real families for the relatable ad.

The 20” spot, titled Mum & Son, shows a son’s disappointment when he discovers an empty Cadbury ice cream tub in the freezer, before putting it back in for someone else to find.

Later, a Dad discovers the empty packet, as his children work suspiciously hard on their homework to avoid his gaze.

VCCP London creative directors Daniel Glover-James and Elias Torres said: “We’ve all been there, looking forward to a Cadbury Ice Cream, heading to the freezer, opening the box… and it’s empty”.

“We wanted to share that frustration, to let people know we feel their pain, but with ice cream this good it won’t be in the freezer long.”

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The campaign’s digital outdoor and social ads include what appear to be standard product shots of Cadbury ice cream before a hand comes in to steal them from view.

Independent media agency the7stars was brought in to work on the media planning and buying, the former being phased with upweights around bank holidays and across the summer to align with key family moments.

Froneri global marketing manager Charlotte Hambling said: “We believe this new Cadbury campaign will have real cut through in the ice cream category”.

“Casting real families brought additional warmth and authenticity and will resonate strongly with our family audience.”

She adds that the campaign “plays to the relatable, slice-of-life scenarios that we have come to love from Cadbury”, which celebrates its 200-year anniversary this year.

Guaranteed not to last will run in the UK and Republic of Ireland across TVC, VOD, social, YouTube, outdoor and digital display.

AgenciesBrandsCreative and CampaignsNews

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