A young, floppy haired gentleman in a pink shirt stares at a J2O mocktail making a posh-looking o-shape with his mouth. J2O mockingly lashes out at the 'posh' and their occasionally extremely grating mannerisms in a rah-lly tongue-in-cheek spot aimed at showing off its summery new cocktail range.

Watch: J2O pokes fun at poshos to show off new mocktail range

BroadcastCreative and CampaignsNews

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Soft drink brand J2O mockingly lashes out at the ‘posh’ in a rah-lly tongue-in-cheek spot aimed at showing off its summery new cocktail range, designed to “break boundaries” within the soft drinks category,

The Britvic-owned brand worked with VCCP and Girl&Bear on its ‘They’re Well Posh’ campaign, with the centrepiece being a 20-second hero spot directed by comedy director Ben Tonge.

The spot shows two people in a sunny garden sipping on J20 mocktails, coming out with Harrow-worthy howlers like “Oi, oi cheeky mojito mocko”. The pair also create their own ‘hilarious’ drinks names like ‘Dacquers’ and ‘Marty Nay Nay’.

The end frame features the full mocktail range and turns to a far more normal tone with the catchphrase “J20 mocktails? They’re well posh”.

Further text in the endframe reads “Send your butler to the soft drinks aisle”.

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As well as the hero spot, two six-second special edits will run across YouTube, accompanied by a supporting 20-second spot.

“With this new campaign for J2O Mocktails we continue our mission to break boundaries within the soft drinks category,” said Britvic Great Britain marketing manager Munnawar Chishty.

“They’re well posh’ lands a compelling message about the premium nature of our new range in a brilliantly original and humorous way,” he continued.

VCCP creative director George Wait said: “For our J2O mocktails campaign we set out to exaggerate the poshness of  the products by satirising the tropes of the very poshest members of society.”

“With dialogue that ranges from the ridiculous to the completely incomprehensible, our campaign aimed to deliver the simple message that poshos love mockos! (‘Mockos’ meaning J2O mocktails for those of us that didn’t attend Eton.)”

BroadcastCreative and CampaignsNews

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