Irn-Bru is celebrating the return of optimism to Scottish football after the national team qualified for this summer's Euro 2024 finals in Germany.

Irn-Bru celebrates unbridled Scottish optimism ahead of Euro 2024

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Irn-Bru is celebrating the return of optimism to Scottish football after the national team qualified for this summer’s Euro 2024 finals in Germany following its dismal failure in the 2022 World Cup preliminaries.

Developed by Edinburgh-based agency Leith, the campaign will revolve around three comedic spots that look to capture the optimism that all Scotland fans will be feeling in the run-up to their opening game against the hosts on 14 June.

Set in the rather banal surroundings of a GP’s office, the inaugural spot sees comedy star Sanjeev Kohli treat a series of fans who’ve mysteriously come down with a rare case of optimism.

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“We’re delighted to be able to share our new campaign which captures the optimism and excitement around Scotland’s participation in Germany. Having qualified with two games to spare, Irn-Bru is with the Tartan Army all the way, as we look to bring fans together to join us and believe!” AG Barr head of brand, Kenny Nicholson said.

The soft drink brand’s first effort is set to be followed by the second and third spots in the series on 24 May and 1 June respectively, with out-of-home and social media executions supporting the lead creative.

Leith senior art director Jim Swan added: “Optimism may have been in short supply in the past and we’ve all felt the disappointment of past tournaments, but this time maybe…just maybe it’s time to believe we can. Our new Irn-Bru campaign captures what it means to be a Scotland fan and is just what the doctor ordered! Come on Scotland!”.

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