Asda has partnered with The Sun newspaper for an exclusive 14-week campaign that will target 'value-conscious' customers via 'Sun Money'.

Asda x The Sun: partnership uses first-party data to target ‘value conscious’ customers

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Asda has partnered with The Sun newspaper for an exclusive 14-week campaign that will target ‘value-conscious’ customers via the ‘Sun Money’ financial brand.

Brokered by Publicis-owned media agency Spark Foundry, the campaign will capitalise on The Sun’s extensive first-party data to offer brands targeted reach of the supermarket’s financially-minded shoppers.

The partnership will also see The Sun website’s ‘Money’ sections branded ‘in association with Asda’, alongside the publication of a new print feature dubbed ‘Sun Money Extra’ and produced by the grocer.

“Asda is delighted to be working with The Sun on this four-month Sun Money tenancy, ensuring the main shopper audience knows how to make their pound work harder and get great value at Asda,” said the grocer’s head of media, Jaswinder Sandhu.

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“Collaborating to create content through a new feature that is in keeping with The Sun’s tone-of-voice, while aligning with Asda’s Summer campaign messages, this highly engaging editorial feature puts Asda front-of-mind with money-savvy value-seekers.

“The use of Nucleus platform data in identifying where those audiences are, has also been central to creating our Sun Money partnership.”

Campaign targeting will be facilitated by News UK’s ‘Nucleus’ data platform, which harnesses first-party data, enabling the newspaper to pinpoint desirable audiences who have a high engagement rate with Sun Money content, which currently enjoys 43% higher pages views, 23% more time on page and 92% more shares than standard Sun content.

The Sun commercial director, Owen Griffiths added: “Our extensive first party data highlights just how engaged our community has been with Sun Money content ever since the cost of living crisis unfolded.

“While that conversation has evolved, our community still expects access to the best value and highest quality products.

“The IPA says that combining print with digital delivers 3.5 times the uplift of a single channel, this campaign will help Asda to leverage that multiplier to deliver engagement and results. We are thrilled to be partnering with Asda to deliver this campaign.”

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