Viewers are only prepared to accept around 3-5 minutes of ads per streaming hour before they reach the max ad load that they're ready to deal with

YouGov reveals max ad load streaming viewers will accept

BroadcastInnovation and TechNews

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Viewers of streaming services are only prepared to accept around three to five minutes of adverts per hour before they reach the max ad load that they’re prepared to deal with.

The figures were revealed in YouGov’s latest survey, which spoke to viewers from across the world to find out the differing attitudes to monetising the platforms.

With more streaming services rolling out ad-supported tiers to help generate revenue streams in today’s increasingly complex and volatile media landscape, providers have been testing the limits of how much ad time viewers are prepared to put up with.

The polling firm’s research suggests that for the majority of respondents (31%) this limit would be reached at around two minutes of advertising time per hour, although just over a fifth (21%) said that they would be prepared to endure as much as three to five minutes per hour.

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Gathering information from consumers across 17 markets internationally, less than one in ten (9%) said that they would be prepared to accept 6-10 minutes of ad time per hour.

Notably, 4% indicated that they would accept more than 15 minutes of adverts per hour for their streaming services.

Across the board, Asian viewers were found to be broadly open to the idea of two minutes’ ad time per hour with 45% of viewers in Indonesia and 40% in the UAE and Singapore ready to accept it.

Although less likely to sign up for ad-supporter tiers than Asian viewers, close to a quarter of Swedes (24%), Spaniards (24%), Brits (23%) and Poles (23%) were happy to accept three to five minutes of ad time per hour.

BroadcastInnovation and TechNews

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